# vuepress-plugin-named-chunks

Generate named chunks for your VuePress site.

VuePress uses dynamic import to load page components and layout components. Each component becomes a separate chunk, but their names are automatically generated, which is not conducive to subsequent tracking. This plugin is for generating named chunks.

# Installation

npm install -D vuepress-plugin-named-chunks

# Usage

// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
        pageChunkName: page => 'page' + page.key.slice(1),
        layoutChunkName: layout => 'layout-' + layout.componentName,

# Configs

# pageChunkName

  • type: ((page: Page) => string) | false
  • default: ({ key }) => 'page' + key.slice(1)

A function that generates chunk name from Page object.

# layoutChunkName

  • type: ((layout: ResolvedComponent) => string) | false
  • default: false

A function that generates chunk name from ResolvedComponent object.


This plugin will inject some properties into context API.

# chunk name of a page component

  1. context.pages is an array of Page objects.
  2. page._chunkName is the chunk name of the page component.

# chunk name of a layout component

  1. context.themeAPI.layoutComponentMap is a map of ResolvedComponent objects.
  2. layout._chunkName is the chunk name of the layout component.